This is for you if you:
Long to feel CALM, PREPARED and READY for birth…
Know what you don’t want in birth and not sure how to move towards what you do want…
Feel that you have innate birthing POWER but have no idea how to best access it so you have a smoother, more comfortable labour…
Hear that our maternity system is stretched with a conveyor belt care approach and WANT TO KNOW how to navigate it to your advantage…
Know that holistic preparation for birth is important but don't know where to start…
Want to start building some positive birth beliefs, release fear and build confidence …
Imagine how it would feel if you could be shown the way to:
Improve your mental & physical endurance for labour
Deeply connect with your incredible POWER in labour & birth
Dramatically lower your chance of caesarean birth
Elevate your birth experience, giving you the best possible chance of a physiological birth
Enjoy and benefit the support of a fully prepped and super useful birth partner!
Ease your journey into Breastfeeding
Enjoy a Faster Postnatal RECOVERY
Move into Mamahood feeling like the Empowered Goddess that you are!
Don't you deserve to enjoy a Calm, smooth, EMPOWERED Birth, the memory of which you will treasure forever?
Introducing the Empowered Birth Programme, an innovative, comprehensive online programme combining Neuro Linguistic Programming, Birthing Hypnotherapy, Active Birth with Pregnancy Yoga and years of experience as Mama of 4 and Qoya Teacher. Gentle & effective holistic preparation for birth.
Fed up with feeling anxious about giving birth because you have heard so many negative birth stories, rarely hear a positive one or have previously had a difficult birth?
Don’t want unmanageable pain & then to feel out of control and panic if things don’t go to plan?
Don’t want to birth in a stressful environment with your birth partner feeling like a spare part & in the way? Instead to feel a key part in the process, be great support and able to advocate for you.
Want to BELIEVE & trust in your ability to birth and have the tools to feel CALM, in CONTROL, more COMFORTABLE, educated about your CHOICES, able to COMMUNICATE your needs well and feeling increasingly confident throughout your pregnancy and into your birth?
1/3 of women experience their birth as traumatic. (Dr Rachel Reed)
30% C-section rate in the UK and a 40% rate in America – with higher rates in many other countries. This is medical madness and any evolutionary biologist would tell you that it just isn’t possible that C-section rates like these are necessary to birth a healthy baby.
There is a Maternity care crisis in our society with too few Midwives doing their very best in difficult conditions.
Many Mamas to be walk into hospital, regard themselves as a patient & hand over responsibility for birth, lacking belief in themselves because they hear so many stories of babies needing to be medically ‘delivered’ by care providers rather than birthed physiologically by themselves.
💖This is not what you choose for
yourself and your baby!💖
There is so much you & your partner can do to proactively empower you so you develop an Empowered Birth Mindset, are well educated about & trust your body’s incredible wisdom & birth as you desire.
NOW MORE THAN EVER it is essential to EDUCATE & EMPOWER yourself so you do everything in your power to ensure a smooth birth experience – your responsibility – your body, your baby, your birth. You are not a patient of the system – you are an empowered birthing Mama!
NOW MORE THAN EVER you need your birth partner’s support as your continuity of care – we no longer have continuity of care with midwives so your partner’s role to support you and advocate for you is increasingly essential. There is so much they can do to support you and increase your chance of a beautiful birth.
If in a month from now you could say that you have moved from anxiety about birth to excitement? You’ve permanently adopted a Rocking Birth Mindset with deep Knowledge of your POWER so that you get out of your own way and excitedly move towards your beautiful EMPOWERED BIRTH?
Not only is all of this possible for you, it is only once click away!
A power packed, 6 hours online programme, with all the essential download extras you need and weekly LIVE access to me in our own Empowered Birth Private Facebook group – so you can tune into continued inspiration, ask any questions and connect with other like-minded Empowered Mamas to be.
A combination of all my learnings as Mama of 4, an Empowered Birth Coach, NLP Coach, Pre & Post Natal Yoga teacher & Qoya teacher. A comprehensive, scientifically based holistic preparation for birth!
Hi I am Dulcie, Mama to 4 kids, Founder of JoyFULL Mamas and creator of the Birth Empowerment Programme. Helping YOU remember your power in pregnancy, birth and beyond. Passionate about our powerful influence on our body and mind to give us the best possible chance of an empowered birth experience. As a qualified NLP Coach, Birthing Hypnotherapist, 200hr Pregnancy & Postnatal Yoga teacher & Qoya teacher, my work guides YOU towards your body's incredible innate wisdom. So you cultivate a deep sense of self trust. My wish is to educate and inspire you so you enjoy your pregnancy more & grow in confidence each day - feeling GOOD on this gift of a Mamahood journey! Mamma you are a goddess, you have the power, I believe in your birthing wisdom and know you will believe in it too! xxxx
What can you expect from this programme to give you a NEW BIRTH perspective?
Educating your MIND with science & logic about the natural physiological process of birth; Relaxations to connect with your soul and ease Pregnancy & Birth; Mind and Body Preparation for Birth to remember your POWER
Hypnobirthing & Active Birth & how to use them to prepare a beautiful birth
How to minimise disruption (use of drugs, choice of birth place, how to navigate the hospital system, how to effectively work with midwives & doctors etc)
Your ‘Birth’ Day – Planning for Empowerment!
Creating your Empowered Birth Plan A, B & C and how to make the right birth decisions to ensure your needs are met, even and especially, in challenging situations
Hands-On practice and a Birth Tool Kit– various tools, exercises, techniques to help YOU stay calm & relaxed, naturally ease pain in labour, make labour quick & smooth, minimising interventions & use of drugs.
Yes I want to:
Create the perfect cocktail of hormones to make my birth easier
Be relaxed enough to release endorphins in labour (20x more powerful than morphine!)
Build Positive Birth Beliefs – let go of fear & anxiety & build confidence each day
Improve my physical & mental endurance for labour
Lower my chance of Caesarean Birth
Transform my birth experience so it is something I will treasure forever
Move into Easier Breastfeeding
Enjoy a Faster Postnatal Recovery
Fiona & Andy with baby Henry - “Yeeeey, he is hereeee! And he came out of my vagina!! There is no way my birth would have gone the way it did if I hadn’t done the yoga sessions with you and your Empowered Birth Programme. I am sooo not a hippy person at all but I realised how much our work was helping me relax in pregnancy and just in general – so welcome as a busy doctor! Thank you for your invaluable help, I really will be forever grateful my wonderful birth experience that I will treasure the memory of forever!”
Kate & James with baby Ronan - The mental and physical prep that we did with you massively helped! We both went into the birth feeling really good about it which meant we enjoyed the last few weeks of pregnancy more and our mindset had such a positive affect on our birth - it all went very much according to plan - we are thrilled with this little dote!
All the breathwork and meditation was so useful and essential practice in the birth and postnatally on the postnatal ward which isn’t exactly a relaxing place!
Your questions answered 🙏
Q.1 Will this work for me?
Every Mama perceives and experiences birth differently and each birth is unique. But, the truth is that for every birth that’s different on the surface, fundamentally they follow similar patterns. It’s mastering the ‘pattern’ of birth that is really important. Once you understand the fundamentals, you understand exactly what you need to do to prepare for your birth, what you need to do to reduce pain, what you need to do when things become a little challenging and how to return again and again to a state of calm so your body can open as it is perfectly designed to, to birth your baby. Knowledge is POWER. Holistic alignment for birth is POWER. Enabling you to make the best informed decisions throughout your pregnancy and into your beautiful birth.
Q.2 I have had a C-Section before, can I take this course?
Absolutely, welcome to the world of VBAC. Some women meet huge resistance to a VBAC and are labelled 'high risk', while others report it is assumed they will birth vaginally and others even meet resistance to their request for a repeat C-section. The reason some health professionals are concerned over VBACs is that once the uterus has been cut during a C-Section, the scar tissue this leaves is said to be at a higher risk of rupture during a subsequent labour. These risks can sound very scary and the most often quoted figure is 1 in 200 which is also 50 out of 10,000 will rupture or the risk of rupture is 0.5% meaning 99.5% of women do not rupture' (Millie Hill Positive Birth Book). VBAC risks are often overstated and women who plan for one will be told fairly extensively about the risks by their healthcare providers, but they are less often told about other risks of birth with similar statistics eg: the risk of cord prolapse is around 0.5%, or shoulder dystocia is around 0.7% and these are considered emergencies but few pregnant women are given these stats. Also there is a risk with repeat C-sections, the more you have the more likely you are to develop adhesions which are bands of often painful scar tissue. Yet preparation becomes even more crucial now, because you definitely want to get things right this time and minimise the chance of another C-section. Keeping yourself informed and educated whilst focusing on the positives is something that The Empowered Birth Programme is truly excellent for!
Q.3 How much time do I commit each day?
Each day will be different! But on a rule of thumb – anywhere between 10-20 minutes is a decent amount of time to commit. The beauty of this programme is that I teach you how to develop a personalised birth preparation routine, and embed that into your daily life, so that a lot of things you could do on the go, without spending much ‘extra’ time. On top of any things that you are currently doing to prepare for birth, this programme will ‘uplift’ your game plan! It’ll empower you and your birth partner with the programme - do the training, do the exercises I recommend, use the practice schedule that I provide to keep you on track and you’ll be loving your new routine because you feel calmer, more relaxed and excited for birth, day after day.
Q.4 How is this programme different to others?
This programme is unique and founded on what I believe and KNOW works to give you the best possible chance of an EMPOWERED BIRTH EXPERIENCE. The foundations and the exercises have been strategically created and ordered to build on one another in a way to build knowledge incrementally and allow your mind and body to work as the perfect system in birth. For example, it is less effective to adopt positive birth affirmations or guided meditations without understanding fundamentally how the BRAIN works and how it directs your birth experience. Similarly, you wouldn’t have the same commitment to the physical exercises without understanding how the body works during birth, and how to help it work more efficiently and effectively, making birth smoother & shorter.
Comparing to any antenatal classes or hypnobirthing courses, this course is also very different. It doesn’t only give you the knowledge of birth, more importantly it teaches you the science behind a natural, shorter & less painful birth, with the aim to help you achieve just that! It gives you the toolkit of how to cope and better manage so you can surf the waves of labour, and knowledge as to how to bring you back to a state of calm, no matter what stressors may present. It is full holistic training for your body, mind and soul, so that they work efficiently & effectively as a team with each other. This really is a comprehensive, profound course that makes Empowered Birth possible.
Lastly compared to an in-person course, this course is super “user friendly”. You can study the whole course at your own pace, in the comfort of your own home. You can revisit any parts of the course anytime you need to, and follow the step-by-step instruction to prepare for your birth every single day. You can connect directly with me each week inside the private Facebook group to ask any questions and I will answer them as soon as I can so that there is nothing blocking your progress. Having done so much teaching online over Lockdown and extended my reach to Mamas who live a great distance from me, I honestly believe that online learning is such an efficient and effective form of learning which can lead to great results very quickly. All you need to have is the commitment to go through the programme and take action!
Q.5 I’m a first-time pregnant Mama and I don’t know anything about giving birth. Will this course help me?
Oh yes Mama – absolutely – you are in the perfect place! I honestly believe that this course will transform how you feel about birth and your belief about the kind of birth you can achieve in as little as a couple of weeks. All your questions will be answered and you will soon have a huge respect for your body and birthing ability.
Q.6 – I am terrified of giving birth – will this course help me?
Congratulations! You have found the right course! With all my studies into the mind, I deeply understand the way that our brains work & I’ve developed a simple way to re-write your brain’s birth beliefs. I combine Neuro Linguistic Programming, Birthing Hypnotherapy, to create new neural pathways – using this approach we eradicate old outdated beliefs about birth and build new beliefs that transform your birth mindset and massively increase your chance of an empowered birth. Give it a go, complete the course, revisit any section that you need to cover again, commit to the daily practice and you will be amazed at the transformation that unfolds.
Q7. When is a good time for me to start this programme?
A guide is at least 30 days before your due date and anytime from 20 weeks pregnant. Because then you’ll use the remaining time to reinforce what you have learnt and further train your mind and body so that everything becomes second nature to you. Like any muscle, our brains & bodies need to be trained to work well.
However if you have less than 30 days before your due date still book on as starting now is better than not starting at all, it will only make a positive difference and any of the info you glean from this programme will be so helpful for you. I have had several clients who I worked with just before their labour started, to calm anxiety and build positive belief in themselves - they believe that it was a positive game changer for their birth.
Q8. I still have questions, what should I do?
I am very present in my work and love to hear from you so please connect with me via email:
Join the birth revolution NOW, reclaiming birth as a site of EMPOWERMENT FOR YOU!
*Disclaimer – this programme is designed to provide helpful info on pregnancy & birth. It is not medical advice – for medical advice please consult your midwife/ doctor.