Amy,Sean & Baby Georgia - Roaring her baby out in the water 💕

Just after I caught her in the pool!

Oh Dulcie…have I got a positive birth story for you!

Introducing our gorgeous Georgia Mae Mallen. We were patiently waiting for her to show some sort of sign she was ready to be born. At 41+3 my surges started right after I’d finished one of your online yoga sessions. I spent the next few hours, on all fours doing yoga at home.

We got to the birth centre where I spent 9 hours in the birth pool using your breathing techniques, changing my active birth positions to what felt good, remembering soft face, soft pelvis and after a whole load of powerful down breaths, I managed to birth all glorious 9lbs 1 oz of her!!! I literally roared the birth centre down! Thank you, thank you, thank you Dulcie…I had the birth I dreamed of and couldn’t have done it without your yoga and Empowered Birth Programme!!

Dulcie Batt

Drawing on my experience as Mama of 4, I blend my skills and training in the scientific practice of NLP, the wisdom of Yoga & Qoya, the logic of Hypnobirthing and weave them together to provide you a unique service that has weaves magic. A Mind, Body & Soul offering, deepening your self understanding, connecting with your joy & use her as your inner guidance system to ease your Mamahood journey. I am devoted to and passionate about this work and dearly love witnessing my clients deeply honour themselves and the continually evolving process of being a Mama.

Join me for weekly for Pre & Post Natal Yoga, monthly for Hypnobirthing POWER workshops and 1:2:1s, regularly for Mama 💕 Love Mini Retreats and every quarter for Flourish Pregnancy Retreats. Come as you are and leave as more of who you are Mama!

I am so excited to meet you! With beams of love & light, Dulcie xx

Hayley, Jack and Baby Frankie - Beautiful Waterbirth


Kirsty, Sergio & Baby Leo - Water Birth of dreams