Kirsty, Sergio & Baby Leo - Water Birth of dreams
Kirsty’s magical birth environment
Thank you so much, we had such an amazing experience. I started surges on Saturday at 8am & in really labour all through Saturday & most of Sunday in our lovely hypnobirthing environment, listening to your lovely meditations. We used the pool at home for a day and a half, with 2 sets of midwives in and out & just before I needed to push they had to close the homebirth service so we transferred to the Haven. They were great, I got straight into the birth pool. Lovely midwife. Used your affirmations at home. Your voice was so good, so calming on the way to the hospital in the car because by then I was starting to struggle - I put on the eye-mask & earphones & that was great. Thank you Dulcie you really calmed me so much! We got to the Haven at 5pm and I birthed him at 8pm. The pushing stage was 1.5-2 hours & then he arrived, I felt his head in the water as he came out, I could feel him turning as his head was crowning & Sergio saw his head which was amazing.
Unfortunately he inhaled a bit of water when he came out so we are still in hospital, he is having antibiotics and under observation and they had to use the resuscitator which was all a bit scary & they got the crash team in and stuff but they dealt with it brilliantly, he spent a couple of hours in NICU and I was able to get skin to skin with him before he left. Then as we have had a couple of feeds as soon as he came back and he is a gorgeous little thing & I can’t believe he is here. Honestly Dulcie, I know that Sergio has said it all but your positivity & your teachings were so so useful for both of us in this process and I don’t think we would have had the birth that we had without them so thank you so that - it made us prepared for anything really. We understood how everything works and had a really, really life affirming experience so THANK YOU! Excited to see you at postnatal Mama & baby yoga xxx
Happiness is….
Email from her husband Sergio received at 3am the night of Leo’s birth:
Dear Dulcie,
I can't sleep. It is clearly the excitement. Or maybe the oxytocin. Whatever it is, today Kirsty and I finish a journey that is indeed the start of a new one. As all journeys are.
I had to write to you. I have been thinking about you and your lessons so much. You don't know this but Kirsty and I have been on a quest to try to do this right, which has taken us to so many places and so many lessons. The journey was long for me personally, and I have Kirsty to thank for it, but of course, there were so many people along the way. And the first person on the list is you. You gave us such a spark to start an immense flame. It was not only the content of your lessons. It was your certainty, your attitude, your care, your passion. You clearly don't need to do what you do. You just do it because you love it. You do it is because it is good. You do it because You are good. There lies a lesson in itself.
Let me tell you that today you would have been so proud of Kirsty. She went on a trip of 36 hours straight, starting birth at home, going through all of it surge after surge, breath after breath, pose after pose, in the bath, on the sofa, on the bed, on the pool, on the floor, on her knees, on her toes, always polite, always composed, always serene, knocking out not one, not two and not three, but four rounds of midwives, and ending up on the haven's pool giving birth to our beautiful baby boy and not even needing a single stitch. Ain't that a super mamma! Ain't that the Goddess that you kept on praising!
Dulcie, please do me a favour. Read this. Not for you, or your ego. Read it to the group of people that you have today in your house. They need to know how amazing their journey is, and how amazing is going to continue to be. They need to know there is no destination. If they are listening, if they are curious, they already arrived. They just don't know it yet. I just hope that the partners present in your living room today discover, like me, a new level of respect, admiration and love for the woman they have next to them. a true Joyful Mamma. A true Goddess.
I don't want to take much more of your time.
I just need to add a final thank you.
And of course, my new mission in Live. Here is Mr Leo Sol Morgan-Jimenez
Big Love,