Sarah, Theo & Baby Sebastien - Calm Powerful Birth
Newborn bliss
Hello Lovely Dulcie . I come with baby news . Theo and I had a beautiful baby boy last night at 11pm . Couldn’t have done it without you and all the things you taught us . Theo was an excellent guardian of oxytocin ! I totally listened to my body and went with my mama intuition . I’ve been pushing back on induction since week 37 . I felt he was close to coming naturally , but they were concerned about different risks - size of babe (scans were oh so wrong ) my age and my BMI . Sara Wickam book addressed all those risks and I was able to have good conversations with the doctors , and they were reluctant but ‘let me’ push back on induction . Anyway, I had a great birth in the labour ward with some gas and air on the final stages . Was beautiful really and I’m super proud of us! I will drop you a voice note with more detail soon xxx
Voice Note: Here is our beautiful story in more detail. It is funny I was talking to Mum the other day & she was asking me about it, and although I don’t remember lots of details about exactly what happened as some of it is a bit hazy, when I look back it is a beautiful, beautiful experience really. Mum was asking me about the pain but I don’t remember particularly struggling, it was all went so smoothly and I totally listened to my body. It is crazy really. The pregnancy was smooth until near the end when I got Covid and also IDP -the liver condition with itchy feet & hands but got that under control. I was fighting to not be induced, they really really wanted to induce me but I read the book you recommended ‘In your own time’ by Dr Sara Wickham, I felt confident. They were worried about the baby’s size & I was able to put off the induction and I knew that the baby was coming soon so I kept asking to wait & I was right.
A great tip you gave me was to stay at home as long as possible. I had a normal day, went for a walk, had a shower & did some gardening, it was a lovely sunny day. I was at home with Theo, staying really calm & trying not to overthink things. By the evening the surges were getting more intense & I got my birthing ball out, focused on my breathing and it was really lovely. Theo was timing the surges & I was very much in my zone, not interested in timing anything, just going with it. We arrived at hospital about 7pm and Sebastien was born at 11 so it was all very smooth.
Welcoming baby Theo home
When we walked into the room Theo plonked out bags on the bed - I know that was one of your tips and we had dim lights, music, and the midwife was good & explained everything clearly & ensured consent from me. She read my birth plan & I was very mobile -I walked around alot in that room, did some hip movements. Theo was brilliant and it was such a lovely experience. Theo cut the cord & announced it was a little boy. Leading up to it I had my clary sage oil and during the labour Theo did the massages that you showed us on me which was lovely.
I remembered the other day that one of the things Theo and I did with you was make a note of my fears and I know that one of mine was my inhibitions & being worried about making too much noise in birth, well I needn’t have worried because when I walked into that room I stripped off & yeah, I owned that room! I was making all the noises I wanted, didn’t care what anybody thought, I was just doing my thing & I think that is what worked so well - it was just me, my husband doing our thing & the midwife was there guiding us but she very much stayed out of the way & it was just beautiful, beautiful. So yeah, thank you so much, you gave us so much information that mean’t we felt so prepared - it was just not the stressful, panic situations that I have heard so many others go through. We were just so calm & went with it. It was gorgeous & now we have our lovely Sebastien who is just over 5 weeks old. Can’t wait to see you soon at yoga with Sebastien and again thank you so so much for everything Dulcie!